To submit a session, please click here.
ATE Projects and Centers are invited to submit proposals to conduct sessions as part of the agenda for the 2024 ATE Conference. The ATE Conference will take place on October 23-25, 2024, at the Omni Shoreham Hotel in Washington, D.C.
Session Guidelines and Criteria
Session proposals should follow the criteria and guidelines outlined below. Where applicable, submissions in all tracks should demonstrate how the ATE community has successfully broadened impact through partnerships and collaboration with key stakeholders. Including internal and external stakeholders (e.g. college leadership, industry representatives, secondary or four-year college representatives, etc.) as presenters is strongly encouraged.
Sessions will be selected based on the ability of session leaders to:
PLEASE NOTE that submissions in response to this Call for Sessions should not be used as a venue to conduct a general report-out on grant activities. All Projects and Centers are expected to participate in “ATE Connects,” which is a featured component of the conference agenda. ATE Connects provides an opportunity to engage in the general sharing of information, resources, and materials related to ATE projects and programs; network with participants; and explore the community. Signing up to host a conversation hub in ATE Connects is SEPARATE from this Call for Sessions process. For more information on ATE Connects, please see the event website.
Session Tracks
Individuals proposing sessions for the 2024 ATE Conference are encouraged to submit under one of the following five tracks.
Session Formats
Proposals submitted under the five conference tracks must follow one of the following formats.
Affinity Group Meetings
Session Length: 75 minutes
Maximum Number of Facilitators: 3
Scheduling: Proposals accepted will be scheduled as part of the pre-conference programming on Wednesday, October 23 from 10:15 – 11:30 a.m.
Affinity Group Meetings offer an informal opportunity for groups to meet and discuss issues relating to common interests, address challenges, and share transferable strategies and practices. Affinity Group Meetings can be used to gather the people you have been working with on a project, engage with potential new collaborators, explore topics that are crossing cutting and interdisciplinary, or conduct a deep dive on a singular area of focus including project planning and implementation. The floor is yours to stimulate discussion, and to make connections and contacts that you can take with you following the event to keep the momentum going.
Learning Labs
Session Length: 75 minutes
Maximum Number of Facilitators: 3
Scheduling: Proposals accepted will be scheduled as part of the pre-conference programming on Wednesday, October 23 from 3:15 – 4:30 p.m.
Learning Labs provide an opportunity for hands-on interactive training in a classroom-style format. Session leaders will engage attendees in immersive learning to experience an activity, lesson, or exercise using real tools and solutions. Labs are intended to be structured as bring-your-own-device sessions to allow attendees to try out new ideas on their own equipment—and to walk away with new information and concrete takeaways that carry the learning into practice.
Innovation Demos
Session Length: 30 minutes
Maximum Number of Presenters: 2
Scheduling: Proposals accepted will be scheduled as part of the main conference on Thursday, October 24 between 1:30 – 3:30 p.m.
Innovation Demos are formal presentations that show how to use or apply an innovative strategy, technology tool, or concept pertinent to strengthening STEM technician education. The proposal should describe how the presenter will walk attendees through a clear, step-by-step explanation of the strategy, concept, or tool; its strengths, and weaknesses; and how it can best be applied or implemented. Presenters should have proven practice on the strategies, concepts, or technology tools they are presenting and be able to share key take-aways.
Spotlight Sessions
Session Length: 45 minutes
Maximum Number of Presenters: 4
Scheduling: Proposals accepted will be scheduled as part of the main conference on Thursday, October 24 between 8:30 – 10:15 a.m. or on Friday, October 25 between 10:15 a.m. – Noon.
A Spotlight session is a facilitated panel presentation designed to pose and answer thought-provoking questions that address proven practices and lessons. Preference will be given to proposals that involve presenters who represent different projects, centers, and/or grant partners. Spotlight session proposals that focus solely on a general report-out of a project or center’s activities will not be selected. Proposals should explain the overall context surrounding the anticipated panel discussion and identify the intended audience. Spotlight session proposals should also reflect the capacity to explore new ideas and questions as a means of making the session stimulating and meaningful for all participants.
Synergy Session
Session Length: 45 minutes
Maximum Number of Facilitators: 3 people
Scheduling: Proposals accepted will be scheduled as part of the main conference on Thursday, October 24 between 8:30 – 10:15 a.m. or on Friday, October 25 between 10:15 – Noon.
Synergy sessions are designed for participants that prefer a “Birds of a Feather”-style conversation to presentation, and offer a venue to network, share insights, and explore ways to collaborate around areas of similar interest. Synergy session leaders serve as facilitators of interactive, substantive discussions that share promising practices and lessons learned with members of the ATE community. Proposals should explain the overall context surrounding the anticipated discussion and clearly identify the intended audience. These sessions are best positioned for conversation versus presentation.
ATE Connects Countdowns
Session Length: 10 minutes
Maximum Number of Presenters: 1
Scheduling: Proposals accepted will take place in the exhibit hall as part of the ATE Connects sessions on Thursday, October 24 between 10:30 a.m. – 12:15 p.m. or 3:45 – 5:30 p.m.
ATE Connects Countdowns offer the opportunity to share information and count down your Top 10 (or less) best practices, technology trends, and/or lessons learned in advancing STEM technician education. Here is your chance to jump on a stage in the exhibit hall for these fun and fast-paced sessions. Each presenter is timed and has up to 10 minutes and 5 slides to share up to 10 trends, best practices, and/or lessons learned on topics that align with the conference tracks. Some examples could include (but are not limited to): Top 10 Ways to Use AI in the Classroom; Top 5 Strategies for Student Recruitment; Top 5 Lessons Learned for Partnering with Industry; Top 3 Emerging Technology Trends & How They Impact Your Students; Top 10 Lessons Learned with NSF Annual Reports, etc. A slide template will be provided, and presenters are required to upload their presentations prior to the conference.
Note: ATE Connects Countdowns are a new conference session offering set in the exhibit hall and incorporated during the main ATE Connects sessions. All Projects and Centers are expected to participate in “ATE Connects,” which is a featured component of the conference agenda. Signing up to host a conversation hub in ATE Connects is a SEPARATE process from this Call for Sessions. For how to reserve a conversation hub in ATE Connects, click here.
Audio Visual
An LCD projector and data package (AV cart with necessary power cords) will be provided. Internet access is available upon request for Learning Labs and Innovation Demos. Session presenters for all sessions, with the exception of “ATE Connects Countdowns,” must bring their own laptops.
Session Collaboration
AACC provides information on its conference website to assist ATE Projects and Centers with identifying potential session collaborators and similar projects—such as searching through ATE Central or the NSF awards database. AACC reserves the right to identify similar session proposals and ask those submitting to work together on conducting a session, as well as to change the presentation type as needed to adhere to session guidelines.
How to Submit a Session Proposal
Session proposals must be submitted by the deadline of August 19, 2024. To submit a session, click here.
Required information for all session proposals includes:
Session Notification
AACC will notify all session submitters of the status of their proposals and those that have been accepted onto the conference program by September 9.